Services at Little Lotus

At Little Lotus, we provide specialized therapeutic massage tailored to support you during every stage of your pregnancy journey. Whether you’re trying to conceive, currently pregnant, or have recently welcomed your little one, Kamry Wanner, a licensed massage therapist, is here to nurture and care for you. Kamry utilizes a blend of techniques, including Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, and soothing relaxation methods, to ensure both you and your baby receive the therapeutic bodywork essential for your well-being.

Our massages are designed to be safe and comfortable, performed either side-lying or face-down with the aid of specialty pregnancy support pillows. Trust Kamry to provide the expert care you need to thrive during this transformative time.

Ready to experience the nurturing care you deserve? Click the buttons below to explore our different massage options and choose the perfect time for your session with Kamry on MassageBook today!

Prental Massage 60 Minutes
Prenatal Massage 90 Minutes
Postpartum Massage 60 Minutes
Postpartum Massage 90 Minutes
Therapeutic Massage 60 Minutes
Therapeutic Massage 90 MInutes